Just let it go
As if it will die by itself
Let ego be buried
And, dignity be fired from human rights
Let women be mistresses and slaves
Let them return to the darkest age
Go for abuse, hatred, rape
Feminize poverty, illiteracy, injustice and war
And curse the power of womb
Hide honor under stupid myth
Burn maidenhood with ridiculous practices
Protect the so –claimed virginity with lies temples
Assassinate rights under the name of faith
Veil the ugliest face of truth
And force it not to tell the truth
Sell women in streets
And distribute them for no fees
As gadgets, statues and maids
For trading and share
Pleasure and beds
And then
At the end, when they are intimacy free
They are miserable
So ,
Throw them without any mercy
هناك تعليق واحد:
لاول مرة اقرا المدونات بس انا ملاحظ ان كتاباتك الانجليزية طاغية على العربية برغم ان كتابتك بالعربية رائعه جدا.
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