الجمعة، 30 أبريل 2010

A date

Few days ago, a friend of mine invited me to a day date. As a result, with no second thought, I totally agreed. The next morning, I woke up very early heading to work to finish up everything and leave early as the excuse was college issues. Of course, it was an early April fool. Any ways, I got out of my office heading to my college, but it was just for the gate of that college where my friend and I agreed to meet. It was a day with no sun, but the heat and humidity killed the cloudy weather. However, it did not attack our desire to have a date.

It was a date, but with no wine, fancy meals or a Limo car. We headed to the mysterious village that we never knew its existence with a descent guide that we never met in person before. Rented a cap and went on our trip to the village.

We drove a long unpaved way with many ups and downs and pedestrians, or to be more precise hitch hiker students, willing to go to school or get back from school. Finally we reached the village.

Quite, serene and simpler than the word simple is that village. Greenish spaces scattered all over the place with curved and again unpaved roads. Moreover, the houses were small with domestic animals and unshaped fences that are made from everything a person can not imagine.

And then we reached to the school while no student was there. It is located at the edge of the village with no sign of educational property. It is still on progress to be built as the guide stated. Still we were much in need to know more. Therefore, our next place was the so-called health center. Ironically, it was closed with a ruined metallic gate that is locked as a haunted house. Obviously, there were no doctors, no facilities as if they do not need medical treatment.

Finally, we reached the end of that DATE and personally I was amazed by the contradiction of life in one city, between a village that is surrounded by quietness and a speedy city, between living with no facilities ,but with stacked hope and with full optioned facilities and yet tiny hope. As long as we are alive, hope is there to guide even if we chose not to make it a vision, still it is there.

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