الاثنين، 16 فبراير 2009


Sometimes I feel you

make fun of me

Sometimes I feel you

wanna control ,be forceful

Sometimes I feel

Like a a chappy chick

whose trainer is giving her hard time

losing weight

Sometimes you tend to be bossy

SOmetimes you are generously loving

Sometimes you are incredibly childish

Sometimes you deal with me

as a stinky tiny fly

which you just kill with no care

Sometimes you are just you

and no one else

But sometimes , you are that image I hate

You are a father who

forces his rules and advises on purpose

However sometimes , you are that

calming summer rain

that freshens wets everything

الأحد، 15 فبراير 2009

Let it go

Just let it go

As if it will die by itself

Let ego be buried

And, dignity be fired from human rights

Let women be mistresses and slaves

Let them return to the darkest age

Go for abuse, hatred, rape

Feminize poverty, illiteracy, injustice and war

And curse the power of womb

Hide honor under stupid myth

Burn maidenhood with ridiculous practices

Protect the so –claimed virginity with lies temples

Assassinate rights under the name of faith

Veil the ugliest face of truth

And force it not to tell the truth

Sell women in streets

And distribute them for no fees

As gadgets, statues and maids

For trading and share

Pleasure and beds

And then

At the end, when they are intimacy free

They are miserable

So ,

Throw them without any mercy

الجمعة، 13 فبراير 2009

An End

It is where we started

We end up with

With much courage

We are driven

With hope of better

We surrender

We give up things

Wishing to meet them at the end

We do not know

Where the end is

How to get there

How is it

And why we are striving to reach it

It is the sea who determines the end

It can be a beginning end

Just an end

Or the end

As far as the boat goes

As much as it takes

It is striving for an end

Struggle, hunger, conflict, disappointment, misfortune

Needs an end

A shelter that occupies and defends

A mirage for some

And a reality for some others

How good, how alive and how durable

No matter what

We find our ways to reach the end

الأربعاء، 28 يناير 2009

everyone needs a refuge

Either you live in a palace or in a wooden walls roofless room, we all need that serendipitous moment that makes us closer to each other , feel for others and real weak as human beings.

If you go out in the very early morning searching for a solution for all those faces that wonder about the truth of life , why we are always running and we only stop when we are surrounded by death
Hurry is life and decisions fly over when you make them as if we want to take them just for the sake of taking a side.

I wonder if we can find that refuge , where all is solved and peace is occupying all the spaces