الأحد، 14 ديسمبر 2008

كلمات أقلام

سمعت و تعرفت من قبل على أناس يملكون قلوبا من حديد أو حجر وقد أكون منهم لكنني لم أسمع قط بأناس يمتلكون في صدورهم قلوبا من جليد. قلوب لا تحس و لا تقهر و لا تنهار, فكأنها تعيش في أكفان أو قبور باردة بعيدة كل البعد عن الحياة. هل هؤلاء أناس فعلا ؟ أم أنهم أصيبوا بعدوى مرض القلوب ؟

ماذا يبقى من الإنسان إذا تجمد قلبه و توقف عن الخفقان ؟

ماذا يتبقى إذا لم نرى حمرة الخجل و هي تعلو على وجنتيه إذا ما صنع قبيحا ؟

ماذا يتبقى إذا انتهكت الإنسانية و مضى كل فرد بلا هوية ؟

ماذا يتبقى إذا دفن الحب في المقابر الباردة و غطى الشتاء مساحات الحرية و ألقى بضبابه على الكلمات ؟

ماذا يتبقى إذا تجمدت القلوب و ماتت ؟ أهناك حياة لها بعد الممات ؟

هل سيستمر الوقت بالمضي ؟

هل سيكون هناك متسع من الوقت للقاء ؟

هل سيتبقى وقت للاعتذار أو حتى الانتظار؟

ماذا لو توقف القلب عن الخفقان , ماذا لو لم تسمح لك الحياة بدقيقة أخرى ؟

ماذا لو ندمت على أنها لم تعلم , أو بخلت بأن يعلم ؟

ماذا لو استقال الكبرياء للحظات ؟

ماذا لو تناسينا من المخطئ ؟

ماذا لو تبارينا من الذي يحمل حبا أكثر للآخر؟

السبت، 6 ديسمبر 2008

To him that I used to love

I did not expect that you would be just like them

Another copy of everyone

A man who is able to betray

Forget and run away

I thought you were different

I thought you really meant

That you do love

That you care and cherish

That your words were not a regular speech

That we will be together someday

And live like a fairy tale

And show our story to all

That you came back to me

That you never neglect

Simply, all of this went away

And I can never look into your eyes again

You are far away even if you are close

You choose to leave rather than to stay

And simply love does not end with you

As I did love you , I can do once again

But this time, it will be a fairy tale not a failure

الأربعاء، 3 ديسمبر 2008

منظومة البغاء


الجمعة، 28 نوفمبر 2008

اليوم الوطني

يفرح طلاب المدارس كثيرا حينما يعلن عن يوم وطني لان ذلك يعني يوما خاليا من حمل الحقائب و ضوضاء طابور المدرسة ناهيك عن الاستيقاظ صباحا و الاستماع إلى نشرات, أقصد شرح المدرسين. و يرتاح العمال الكادحون ليل نهار لتوفير ما بقي من لقمة العيش التي تأثرت بموجات الغلاء و جرعات التجويع و التفقير و التقفير فيقضون ذلك اليوم في أركان الشوارع و الأزقة مستمعتين بأكوام القمامة الملقاة أو بالكم الهائل من الأرصفة الغير مرصوفة و هم يتبادلون أطراف الحديث و يملأ أفواههم القات و يفرغ جيوبهم و قلوبهم من الحب. ماذا عن ربات البيوت اللاتي لا يشكل ذلك اليوم فرقا شاسعا غير انه يوم لا يستيقظ فيه أفراد العائلة مبكرا.

لنسأل أنفسنا ماذا يعني ذلك اليوم المدعو باليوم الوطني ؟

انه يوم امتلأت فيه المقابر بجثث دعاة الحرية و المساواة و الأمل و الثوار ضد الجهل و الظلم و خيم الحزن فيه على كل الأصعدة فارتدت السماء ثياب الحداد و احترقت فيه الأعلام و الصور و تفرقت فيه الجموع المنددة.

انه يوم سارت فيه الدماء على الأرض و لم تسيل فغطت كل أخضر.

انه يوم ضحى فيه أناس بحياتهم لآخرين لا يستحقون

انه يوم غدا عيدا قائما على جثث و جماجم الشهداء

يوم يتذكر فيه الأجداد أمجادا غدت ذكريات تسطر كتب التاريخ

و تصفها ألسنة الأحفاد ببكاء على الأطلال

الثلاثاء، 11 نوفمبر 2008

A child

Seeing that innocent face early in the morning was pretty enough to change my whole day. Avery young child holding two bags full of fish , roaming from avenue to passage to street , shouting with the fish name with his little soft voice. Some people's doors open to buy his fish , some other bargin and other argue and close the door on his face .Suddenly , he was not the only child selling fish , they were two or actually three in the same nieghborhood scattered in the same block .

HOw many are they ? Where are their parents ? and aren't they supposed to be in school now?
Many , many questions that are unanswered not because there are n't answers , but because everyone knows the answers. The answers are briefed in several faces.

It is when the male household has too many kids that he can not support. It is when he is so depressed ,and can not hold the load anymore. It is when the father can buy some cursed plants and cannot afford to buy food for his kids. Therefore, he treats his (seven years old )son as a 25 grownup man and overload the child's back by forcing him to support the family for living. As a result, we see child aged buddies with elders' accents . AND then we claim for a right that does not exist.

Another shocking face is lack of educational awareness. Many illiterate people describe school as a very huge construction site for extreme urbanization and a tool to vanish heritage.Therefore, they raise generations who have the same attitude and get trapped by the same cultural barriers. Here we are focusing on male education rather than girls education while the whole world is on ongoing capign for girls education. How retarded we are.

How many are they ? I have no clue and no estimate shows a close number . Today I saw three , yesterday I saw 2 and last week I do not remember . They work regardless to any human standards . They do work in dangerous neighborhoods , get abused and molested and their rights just sunk in a shallow unjust societies.

A voice to all agencies that claim rights: Please open up the rapped reality and see behind the scene. Children are endangered due to life expenses. What you are going to do ???

الجمعة، 26 سبتمبر 2008

A pander and a leader

Before I present my point, I want to apologize to all readers for my bad selection of words this time. Moreover, would like again to apologize for the gloomy thoughts that came to my mind and became words in my page. Overall, it is sad to find both characters exist in our world.

When I was four years old, I admired the political leaders who appeared on TV with their strong posture and wished to have the honor to meet them in person. Moreover, when I get a little bit older, I struggled with the word war, what it meant and why it existed, however no answer was there to reveal the misty vision in my mind. The only clear thing about war was that it is not fair and it is not the right thing to do.

I still remember my first war image I saw: it was the war in Somalia and it was just on TV. For the very first time, I cried very loud in front of my family who were in tears. I did not belong to that picture nor did I know anything about wars, but I saw children who had nothing even the simple and biological needs as parents. Shocking images of famine, droughts and malnourished kids with flies on their tiny bodies were war fruits.

A couple of months later, in Bosnia, tragedy was repeated and the differences were location and color of skin. However, the same weapons were used with furious monster-like attitudes towards land and people. In addition, all humans tried to look human by donations and later by calling the soldiers war criminals. The so-called war criminals are still alive in luxurious buildings in compulsory stay rules as the war crimes court. It is ironically fair trails.

During this time and always, Palestine, rocks and young men were the image which never been absent. There was always this function: rocks against war tank. This never been solved until history revealed the case after 13 years of my age and 50 years of the invasion.

Lebanon attacks, the same bloody images with unjust violations were the first to clarify what war means and what vanish, attack, enslave, spy, betray and disunity.

Then Yemen, the so-called civil war, which took the country into a new avenue, hell's avenue. Another function needed to be solved. A Yemeni killed another with no reason but a brainwash. Because the soldiers, who were under 20 years old, were told that, they will fight infidels. Yes infidels and when they were in the streets, they saw mosques and peaceful people. It was chock, to be asked to kill and you do not whom you are supposed to kill. I do not know if I was lucky to not to be in Yemen, but I was quite confused. Because my family is from the south and my other family is from the north. I left the decision open because I could not judge on my blood and still, it is so difficult to be here and not judging.

I wonder if blood becomes precious to all humans, leaders find alternatives for wars and stop working overtime as panders because human bodies that they bargain with.

الخميس، 18 سبتمبر 2008

Jahl not Jihad

Jahl not Jihad

Some People take Islam as a cover behind their long beards, sharp tongues and filled guns. It ironically reminds me of Cow boys movies who easily take out their pistols and shoot anyone and anything they want; yet the difference is that our cow boys are inhumane and cowards because they run away from the crime scene once they perpetrate. Moreover, they do not choose a certain blood to be wasted; it is just any blood even if it was a blood of a brother.

It is not even fair to judge on Jihad and make it a symbol of killing. We all know what this word refers to and the conditions and the degrees of it. It is not an individual choice nor is it street wars. Go deeply in Islam to understand this concept: Jihad of oneself then Jihad of the tongue and finally Jihad of the sword. Not everyone who carries a weapon against people is a Mujahed. It is Islam, people, Salam, peace. It is an example of Salahaddin ‘s battles , Omar bin AlKhattab’s wisdom , and for sure , Mohammed’s way and sunnah. Never did they ask to kill civilians, to turn daughters and sons into orphans and wives to widows. And above all of this, they all respected other religions.

A step forward was going to be taken, however two bombs and several fire shoots brought the whole country backwards. A country that fought in a tremendous, challenging power to expel the foreign colony and the internal greed of power, is today tight with Jahl(literacy). A couple of weapon holders prevent almost 24 millions from free speech, liberating choices and equal living conditions. They did attempt to block education from spreading in each avenue and passage and under each tree and mount. Furthermore, they assassinate hopes and burry life under the barbarian principals.

They repeat this sentence in the news: “no religion accepts such attempt ions “, but I say: whoever commits such crimes he believes in no GOD. Killing innocent people is FORBIDDON.IT IS UNFORGIVABLE SIN.

So please, let’s pray for the pure souls who were killed, pray to understand the meaning and value of Jihad, pray to reveal misconceptions and apply justice for all.

السبت، 13 سبتمبر 2008

a question

There is always first time for everything
and it has never been the best one
imagine if it is the first time to be flirted
to be recognized
to be appreciated
with little words and so much emotions
to understand that you are cared of
and not dumped
you are the core of someone
and it is no joke
you miss someone
and you know it is getting real
it is a reality that you can love
no matter how many times before
or how many times after
feel it , it is love
to care and share
to believe in yourself and appreciate oneself
to care less about yourself
and much about Him and other things relating to Him
to feel blessed and want everyone to feel that
to see the sunset and sunrise in a different concept
to race phone calls and messages
and feel uncountable heart beats
to care not about misspelling and geeky looks
about criticism and class
about wrong selection and mismatch
does it really matter
it is the question that you start to ask
then, after you get together
does it , love , really last?

الخميس، 11 سبتمبر 2008


Many words spelled and pronounced

And many we do not mean

We just habitually say them

For we do not have others to say

For that, we might feel the word

Before it is said

Or we feel it after

We do not know if it is taken

Absorbed or understood the way we perceived

We do not know if it is said because we want to say

Or it is said because it just comes up

Or it is said because we want to hear

How many options can we narrow down with one word

A word that changes lives

A word that it is never too late to say

Or it is too late

A word that people wait for years to hear

It is never heard

Or heard and becomes too vague

Or it never has a taste

A word that is said, can never be taken back

A word that is kept, is always in safe and endangered

الجمعة، 5 سبتمبر 2008

Ramadan and LOVE

I am sorry dear Friend to say that you look like love

You come once a year and true love comes once a life

You give, hug and forgive

So does love

You are warm enough to warm everyone

Even if it is not summer

And so does love

You come as a guest

As a Santa's gift

With little sign of light

As a tiny crescent and hard to find

And so does love

When we are not sure, you came or will come

As love does

And when you leave

Like a farewell smile

A fake one with so many tears

As love does when lovers act as if they are strong

Oh my GOD, you two are so much alike

But , You never break your promise

Yet Love , sometimes , accidentally does.


It is difficult to think about forgiving. Everyone has the energy the ability to forgive, but it is hard to guide it. Sometimes we forgive people who do not deserve and vise versa. We lose people and gain others because of this and eventually we learn that it is two parts: for and give.

For the person that you care about, you give love again. It is simple to say it this way, but what about if it is perceived another way: For the love I offered you, I give neither more chances nor excuses.

Both concepts are acceptable because we, as human beings, have different moods and a variety of excuses to make things look right for our own reference. Moreover, people are not the case in losing or gaining, but the experience we go through, progress and process is the trophy.

Through little words I wrote, I would like to summarize that you have the choice to forgive and not to do so whenever you want, whenever you find someone deserves or does not. It is a great gift to be able to forgive, but it is a curse to be able to forgive.

الثلاثاء، 19 أغسطس 2008


When it comes to choosing one of you guys, I will not choose you. I am sorry to tell you that in front of your eyes. Yes, I know I am holding your name and I belong to you, but I do not belong to your world. In most of my crisis times, you were away. On the other hand, happy moments lacked your presence and family photos were imbalance because of you.

Truly, I mean each word I am writing to you today. Nothing can erase your absence and draw your shadow over my past life. I did not and do not need your voice to follow my achievements or your complements raise my success. I am strong enough to hold my accomplishments away from you.

I got bored of the mercy look on all faces that used to look at me because you are away. Because you did not care. Because you had something or someone more important and because you had another dream to fulfill forgetting all our shared dreams.

You do not come all of the sudden asking me to come back. To color your dream and naming it OUR dream. You have no right to mention my name or even to remember it. You go to where you belong to and leave your sudden dreams remain dreams.

Your virtual success won't change me neither your begging. You had what you wished and I have had enough.

السبت، 16 أغسطس 2008

so and so

I do not know how it feels
when love is so precious and so inexpensive
so intimate and so revealed
so personal and so sticky
so wonderful and so shocking
so surprising and so usual
so good and so bad

I do not know why it falls between so and so

الأحد، 10 أغسطس 2008

Tears taste bitter

Tears taste bitter

When eyes and lashes get wet

When heart is overwhelmed

When words cannot come out

When a sound of silence is all what you hear

When coldness covers your world

When death is a guest

A demanding guest

That never goes without a trophy

Without a sole

Or as a good bye moment

When hands to touch

When arms to hug

It is always the time

When tears taste bitter

الخميس، 7 أغسطس 2008

To him, the ignorant

I wonder if you are alive to read these words and I do not know if your heart died. One word can break everything and the same word would bring me a fresh start. I do not lie if I say that I suffer when you are not around but I die million times when I do not know if you are alive. I want you to promise me that when you are about to die, let be the last person you talk to. I wish I could see you around, hold you tight and then come what May .just one time, let me see you, let feel you, let me beat death and conquer your life for a moment.

Just a moment, I am not asking for much, it is not too much, it is just a wish. Before you die, let me there. Let me steal one look from your eyes, one hug from your arms

If not , just tell me and I will be away , I indeed will be invisible forever and won't see you again no matter what happens to me.

الثلاثاء، 15 يوليو 2008

Arab leaders started new jobs and the followers, of course, implement them!

Simply, they sew charges for whoever they do not like. And recently they have beaten up DOLCE & GABANA with new trends: they offer free nights in resorts (prisons). So what do you want more? Trendy clothes, metal cuffs, minus 5 stars wing, free red tattoos and so on. Furthermore, it is not a temporary period, it can be forever.

They work really hard to get the fabrics from the US and the tools from UK and they are trained in Israel to be high qualified in these positions, sorry, this job. The only obstacle they have is that they cannot export their goods. They are only for domestic use only.

If you want to surprise your annoying neighbor, go to the nearest police station, meet one of the always available ADVISORS who can assist you in determining the size, color, pattern, quality and sustainability and agree on the price. This is not everything; you will get free delivery service to any place you want.

This would be a great idea for a surprise party even if it is licensed. They can really take the measurements of the audiences, and guide all of them to the resort and let them wear the same uniform. Your guests will never forget that. And guess what, the more you buy, the more options you get and this includes women branch too.

Some miss the tailors and some get caught. I wish all the free spirits , Long lasting journeys.

الثلاثاء، 8 يوليو 2008

دراسـة نفسيـة جغرافية

دراسـة نفسيـة جغرافية

أشارت دراسة نفسية قام بها البروفيسور(( بيتر مارش )) أستاذ علم النفس بجامعة كامبريدج إلى أن :
لكل إنسان ((مياه إقليمية )) و((حدود جغرافية)) تماما مثل الدول ..
إن كلا منا يجلس في منتصف ثلاث دوائر غير مرئية تحيط به لا نسمح باختراقها إلا لمن نحبهم فقط , وننزعج إذا اقتحم علينا حياتنا أو دوائرنا أشخاص غير مرغوب فيهم.
ويضرب البرفيسور مثلا على ذلك :
انك لو كنت جالسا على شاطئ البحر الخالي من البشر تراقب غروب الشمس, وفجأة تضيق نفسك وتتوتر, فإذا بجانبك شخص غريب يجلس, لماذا تضيق وتتوتر إذا اقترب منك احد الغرباء وجلس بجوارك ؟
بالرغم انه لم يقتحم هدوءك بالكلام فانك تضيق بوجوده , وتقول انه اقتحم عزلتك , في حين انه في الحقيقة لم يقتحم سوى إحدى الدوائر الثلاث التي تحتفظ بها لأحبائك واقرب الناس إليك ..

ونأتي إلى معرفة حقيقة هذه الدوائر :
الدائرة الأولى:
وتبعد حوالي نصف متر عن جسد الإنسان أي بامتداد الساعد فقط .
وهذه الدائرة تحدد ما يطلق عليه العلماء بـ((المنطقة الحميمة)) ,التي تحيط بأجسادنا مباشرة ولا نسمح بدخولها لغير الأحباب واقرب الأقرباء.
وعندما نحتضن من نحب زوجاً أو أما أو ابناً ..الخ ..تندمج دائرتانا الحميمتين ونصبح مركزاً في دائرة واحدة تجمعنا .. وهذه المنطقة هي منطقة المشاعر الفياضة ..
وعندما نكره بشدة نحاول اقتحام دائرة الخصم لإلغاء وجوده ونفوذه , مثلما يحدث في المشاجرات والقتال المتلاحم.

الدائرة الثانية :
وهي أوسع من الدائرة الأولى وتبعد حوالي متر وربع عن أجسادنا, أي بامتداد الذراع بكامله.
وهذه الدائرة تحدد إطار الصداقة مع الذين نتعامل معهم من الأصدقاء والجيران وزملاء العمل أو كل من نتعامل معه بشكل غير رسمي .
في هذه المنطقة أو الدائرة تسمح بالمصافحة واللمس البعيد والمخاطبة والرؤية الشاملة.
ويستخدم الناس هذه الدائرة ببساطة عندما يكون احد الشخصين في درجة اجتماعية أو وظيفية أعلى بكثير من الآخر, أما عندما يقترب الأقل من الأعلى فانه يحرص على ألا يتعدى حدود هذه الدائرة ولا يدخل في المنطقة الشخصية, والعكس غير صحيح فالأعلى قد يدخل إلى منطقة الصداقة للأقل منه في درجة علوه, مثال على ذلك :
عندما يعطي الجندي التمام لضابط في رتبة أعلى نجده يحافظ على هذه المسافة ولا يتخطاها.
ويمكن ملاحظة اقتراب الأبناء من الإباء للكشف عن أبعاد العلاقة وما إذا كان الأب متسلطا أم ودوداً.

الدائرة الثالثة :
وهي أوسع الثلاث حيث تبعد عن الجسم حوالي أربع أمتار.
وهذه الدائرة تمثل المنطقة الاجتماعية التي تشمل من يحيطون بنا في حفل صغير مثلا ونتعامل فيها مع الغرباء.

السبت، 5 يوليو 2008

The Lost Freedom

A peaceful anticorruption successful man said it with confidence: "I am really scared of what is going to happen next".
I heard the news about a month ago in the newspaper saying that this very famous printing cooperation in my city had been closed due to political issues and its owners were detained and taken to nowhere. Once I read it, I called my friend or my older brother as he is to me to check and ask for details about the incident. Fortunately or unfortunately, I do not know, he was not in the country at that critical time. However, everyone knew about the incident and rumors took the attention and became the first news to be told.

I was worried about those people, about their business and about their families. They are known in my city for a long, really long time that they are peaceful and kind people and they belong to a minority group of Sheea. No one really cared about their religion perspectives as always people of my city never nag or ask for such a thing. Nevertheless, now one of the rumors says that they are charged of printing some political brochures that support the Sheea in my country that have troubles and serious conflicts with the government
My friend came home finding a house full of crying women and a bunch of children asking about their fathers and grandfathers. He had no answer and at that moment all the blood stopped running in his body. He is the only mature man who is left. Feared and unsure condolences he offered the women were not enough. All his CONNECTIONS ,that he called asking or requesting for assistance only to know where are the men, failed or let us face it, they ignored him knowing that it is nearly impossible to get to know where they are.

I met him last Thursday. He is as usual funny, but it is irony because it is painful to know that you are the next one and you can never tell what the charge is going to look like this time. His business started to decline, and his calls are under censorship as well as his movement, but his well is not attacked.
This piece of writing is dedicated to him. He taught me that knowledge is power, and time is money regardless who your family is, and how many CONNECTIONS you know