الجمعة، 28 نوفمبر 2008

اليوم الوطني

يفرح طلاب المدارس كثيرا حينما يعلن عن يوم وطني لان ذلك يعني يوما خاليا من حمل الحقائب و ضوضاء طابور المدرسة ناهيك عن الاستيقاظ صباحا و الاستماع إلى نشرات, أقصد شرح المدرسين. و يرتاح العمال الكادحون ليل نهار لتوفير ما بقي من لقمة العيش التي تأثرت بموجات الغلاء و جرعات التجويع و التفقير و التقفير فيقضون ذلك اليوم في أركان الشوارع و الأزقة مستمعتين بأكوام القمامة الملقاة أو بالكم الهائل من الأرصفة الغير مرصوفة و هم يتبادلون أطراف الحديث و يملأ أفواههم القات و يفرغ جيوبهم و قلوبهم من الحب. ماذا عن ربات البيوت اللاتي لا يشكل ذلك اليوم فرقا شاسعا غير انه يوم لا يستيقظ فيه أفراد العائلة مبكرا.

لنسأل أنفسنا ماذا يعني ذلك اليوم المدعو باليوم الوطني ؟

انه يوم امتلأت فيه المقابر بجثث دعاة الحرية و المساواة و الأمل و الثوار ضد الجهل و الظلم و خيم الحزن فيه على كل الأصعدة فارتدت السماء ثياب الحداد و احترقت فيه الأعلام و الصور و تفرقت فيه الجموع المنددة.

انه يوم سارت فيه الدماء على الأرض و لم تسيل فغطت كل أخضر.

انه يوم ضحى فيه أناس بحياتهم لآخرين لا يستحقون

انه يوم غدا عيدا قائما على جثث و جماجم الشهداء

يوم يتذكر فيه الأجداد أمجادا غدت ذكريات تسطر كتب التاريخ

و تصفها ألسنة الأحفاد ببكاء على الأطلال

الثلاثاء، 11 نوفمبر 2008

A child

Seeing that innocent face early in the morning was pretty enough to change my whole day. Avery young child holding two bags full of fish , roaming from avenue to passage to street , shouting with the fish name with his little soft voice. Some people's doors open to buy his fish , some other bargin and other argue and close the door on his face .Suddenly , he was not the only child selling fish , they were two or actually three in the same nieghborhood scattered in the same block .

HOw many are they ? Where are their parents ? and aren't they supposed to be in school now?
Many , many questions that are unanswered not because there are n't answers , but because everyone knows the answers. The answers are briefed in several faces.

It is when the male household has too many kids that he can not support. It is when he is so depressed ,and can not hold the load anymore. It is when the father can buy some cursed plants and cannot afford to buy food for his kids. Therefore, he treats his (seven years old )son as a 25 grownup man and overload the child's back by forcing him to support the family for living. As a result, we see child aged buddies with elders' accents . AND then we claim for a right that does not exist.

Another shocking face is lack of educational awareness. Many illiterate people describe school as a very huge construction site for extreme urbanization and a tool to vanish heritage.Therefore, they raise generations who have the same attitude and get trapped by the same cultural barriers. Here we are focusing on male education rather than girls education while the whole world is on ongoing capign for girls education. How retarded we are.

How many are they ? I have no clue and no estimate shows a close number . Today I saw three , yesterday I saw 2 and last week I do not remember . They work regardless to any human standards . They do work in dangerous neighborhoods , get abused and molested and their rights just sunk in a shallow unjust societies.

A voice to all agencies that claim rights: Please open up the rapped reality and see behind the scene. Children are endangered due to life expenses. What you are going to do ???